Bay Area Daylily Buds
aka B.A.D. Buds, a local Green Bay garden club of daylily enthusiasts
The B.A.D. Buds is an informal group of gardeners with diverse backgrounds and interests. In addition to growing and/or hybridizing daylilies, many of us also grow hostas, iris, roses, and numerous other perennials. Our group meets approximately eight times a year to share information about the growing and hybridizing of daylilies, listen to national and regional speakers, tour gardens, provide opportunities to purchase and also win daylilies, and generally just enjoy the company of others who are interested in daylilies.
In partnership with the Green Bay Botanical Garden, we also maintain six garden beds in which over 200 daylily cultivars grow and bloom.
We began meeting on a regular basis in 1999 and were granted 501(c)(3) tax exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service in 2005. Click 'here' to view and print our club brochure.
Annual dues are as follows:
Individual $7
Family $10
Multi year membership discounts:
Three year membership $18.00 Individual/ $27.00 Family
Five year membership $30.00 Individual/ $40.00 Family
Life Time $100 per Family
Please make check payable to B.A.D. Buds Daylily Club.
Send your contact information (name, address, phone & email) with check to:
Scott Reuss
W6567 Jamros Rd
Wausaukee, WI 54177
Or print our club brochure.and fill out the membership application in there.
Club Contacts
Bay Area Daylily Buds’ Officers and other members of the Board of Directors for 2020:
President: Daryl Jankowski
Vice President: Bob Petrick
Secretary: Jill Reuss
Treasurer: Scott Reuss
Board Members: Mary Heiting, Greg Ronk, Jim Prochaska, Sandra Sandee
Webmaster: Mary Vertz
Newsletter Editor: Jill Reuss